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Using Word to keep styles consistent between documents – Part 2

Join PEG for our webinar series where participants will have the opportunity to upgrade their skills as editors in a variety of ways: linguistic, stylistic, business, digital, technical and more. During this webinar on 11 April, the aim will be to help practitioners use MS Word’s themes and style sets (also called quick styles) to impose a certain combination of style attributes on texts (most notably, colours and fonts) both within a document and between different but related documents (eg the chapters of a book or a thesis, various articles for the same journal, or documents within the same corporate identity). Unlike a Word style, a theme or a style set is a collection of attributes that can be applied more widely to a document. Using these tools efficiently can raise your productivity and versatility as a professional editor.

Focus: The question we are attempting to answer in this series of two webinars is, ‘How can I transfer styles between documents so that I can keep those styles consistent without having to re-create them time and again?’ In this second webinar in the series, you’ll be introduced to style sets as a means of saving and applying a combination of several style definitions all at once. You’ll also be introduced to the notion of themes in Microsoft Word. Here, our focus will be on the theme colours and theme fonts that are available to be used in style definitions and elsewhere. It will be assumed that participants already know what styles in MS Word are and how to modify them, even if only at a fairly basic level. You’ll learn how to access, manipulate, save and apply style sets and themes in general, and theme colours and theme fonts in particular, so you can have a certain look and feel readily available to any document you are working on – even in the absence of a template.

Date: Thursday, 11 April 2024

Time: 18:00–20:30

Place: Online (Zoom meeting)

Facilitator: Monica Bosman, with Mac support by Helen Douglas

Pre-webinar materials: A pre-webinar exercise will be emailed upon registration.

CPD hours: Attendees will earn 2,5 core hours towards their annual CPD; those who listen to the recording only will earn 50 minutes of discretionary time.

About our facilitators

Monica Bosman studied languages (Afrikaans, English and IsiXhosa), general linguistics and teaching at university. She began her working life as an English teacher and later became a linguistics lecturer at the University of the Western Cape. In 2008, she left UWC to venture out on her own as a language practitioner. In that year, she completed John Linnegar’s copy-editing and proofreading course and became a member of PEG. Since March 2022 she has also been one of PEG’s accredited text editors (English). Monica has been training PEG members in using MS Word since 2017 and has enjoyed this opportunity to serve PEG. In teaching and learning, it has always been important to her that the outcomes should have practical impact, and this is what she hopes to achieve in these sessions.

Helen Douglas has been editing since 2004, mostly for international NGOs in the field of socioeconomic development, and has been a PEG member since 2017 and a Mac user since forever. Under her other hat, she has run a philosophical counselling practice for twenty-odd years.

About the workshop

A pre-webinar exercise will be sent to participants to pique their interest and to give them the chance to play around with style sets and themes. For Mac users there is a short additional exercise involving PowerPoint, since theme colours are set in PowerPoint, rather than in Word, on a Mac.

Participants who plan to follow along can do so using the document containing the pre-webinar exercise as their sandbox. Please make sure you have this document open in Word before you sign in to the webinar.

The demonstration will apply to both PC and Mac users. Monica will be demonstrating on her PC, with some reference to the Mac interface, while Helen will be available on the chat to answer questions from Mac users. Please note, however, that pertaining to theme fonts, the Mac functionality is very limited so that some aspects of that functionality will only apply to PC users.

Everyone who registers for the webinar will receive a recording of the event afterwards, the slides in PDF format and the Chat thread.


Affiliation Early-bird fee for Part 1 only
(before or on 5 April)
Full fee for Part 1 only
(from 6 to 9 April)
PEG members R295 R380
LAMP members* R495 R580
Non-affiliated members R695 R780

*LAMP members: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB), ProJourn, Southern African Freelancers’ Association (SAFREA), South African Science Journalists’ Association (SASJA) and the South African Translators’ Institute (SATI).

Please register by completing and emailing the registration form.

Deadline for registrations: 12:00 on 9 April.

Cancellation policy

If members are unable to attend this webinar after having registered and paid for it, a full refund is possible if cancellations are received by Sharon Rose by no later than 12 noon on 9 April. Once the final number of attendees has been confirmed on the eve of the webinar, no refunds are possible.

In addition, should you be prevented from participating in full or in part on the day of the webinar owing to Eskom loadshedding, you will be entitled to take either the same webinar or another on the 2024 webinar programme. When this occurs, the onus will be on you to inform the webinar coordinator of your disqualification on this ground and to specify which alternative webinar you would like to transfer your registration to.

Remember, though, that as a would-be or part-participant on the day, you will in any event receive the audio recording of the entire event plus PDFs of the PPT slides.

Use the early-bird special: save money and secure your spot at this webinar by registering early!

11 April, 2024 @ 18:00 - 20:30 Africa/Johannesburg at Online (Zoom) by PEG | Nitty gritty Second quarter Webinar Zoom

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