What is an AGM?
Our AGM is a meeting attended by members of PEG for members of PEG. It is an opportunity for Exco to report on the year’s events and our financial status. It is also an opportunity for you to exercise your vote and have your say on a range of PEG-related matters.
Why is an AGM important?
The purpose of an AGM is to be transparent about all activities within the organisation. It is also where you can hold Exco accountable for the way in which the organisation has been managed. You can play an active role in decisions taken. AGMs are generally thought of as quite tedious but their significance should not be underestimated.
What can you expect before the AGM?
Step 1:
- There is no dress code but please diarise the date and RSVP or send apologies at this link: RSVP
- Proxy form: If you are unable to attend and would like your vote to be counted, you may nominate someone to be your proxy. This member will vote on your behalf (make sure they know what you are for and against!). Please send proxy forms to by Friday, 17 May 2024.
- Minutes of last year’s AGM: to be adopted at the meeting. If you attended our last AGM, please read the minutes so that we can ask you to approve that they are an accurate reflection of the proceedings of that meeting.
Step 2:
Nomination form: This form is used to nominate a member for a position on Exco. You need to ask the nominee whether they will accept the nomination and then you both need to sign the form and return it to by 10 May 2024. Voting for Exco members takes place during the AGM. The following positions on Exco will become vacant and the existing portfolio holders will not be accepting nominations. Please consider stepping in or nominating a member for:
webinar coordinator.
If you would like to know more about the specific roles, contact an Exco member who will assist.
We will also welcome on board webinar team members and members-at-large.
Proposed motion form: If you would like to suggest a change or propose an initiative, this form allows you to do that. Your proposal will be presented to members with a motivation and members will be asked to vote. Please return this to by 10 May 2024.
Exco-proposed motions: Any motions prepared by Exco are presented to you for consideration. Exco does not have any proposed motions for this year.
Agenda items: For specific matters you want discussed at the AGM, please forward such items to by 10 May 2024.
PEG draft annual report: You will receive this closer to the AGM for your reading pleasure! It is to be tabled at the AGM for approval. You may want to note questions to ask at the AGM before we ask for you to accept the contents of the report.
CPD hours for AGM attendance
By attending the AGM, you qualify for 2 hours of Formal PEG CPD.