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PEG Accreditation Test 2022 – Part 2: Academic Editing and General questions 4B and 4C

Join PEG for a webinar on the PEG accreditation test 2022 as preparation for sitting the 2024 test or simply as a means to honing your knowledge and skills and earning valuable CPD hours.

Focus: The purpose of this webinar is to demonstrate how questions should be answered, what to do and what not to do, and to clarify the ways in which candidates can best prepare themselves for the next accreditation test.

Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Time: 10:00–13:00

Place: Online (Zoom meeting)

Facilitators: Sally Hofmeyr and John Linnegar (co-examiners)

Pre-webinar materials: The 2022 academic editing question 2B and general questions 4B and 4C will be sent upon registration; or bring your 2022 test answers along.

CPD hours: You will qualify for 3 hours of core CPD when you attend this webinar and only 30 minutes of discretionary CPD if you listen to the recording only without proof of attendance.

About our facilitators

Sally Hofmeyr started out studying ecology, ornithology and conservation, and although she went as far as obtaining a PhD and completing two postdoctoral fellowships, she was never convinced that academia was the right place for her. Between postdocs, she started doing freelance academic editing for a small online company (Uni-edit) as a way of bringing in some extra money while she worked out what to do next. By the time the second postdoc came to an end, she had finally found her niche: editing! Since 2016, Sally has been a senior editor for Uni-edit, and in this role she edits, provides training and feedback to editors and translators, and participates in other aspects of running the business.

The editing work she does is primarily editing academic articles in the biological sciences that are written by non-native speakers of English or translated into English in-house. She is keen on broadening her horizons, and to this end has completed several courses in editing and related subjects, and has attended many PEG seminars and webinars. She has also done some editing of educational material (SA high school science) and has recently begun to take on book proofreading projects for a local publisher. She still keeps a toe in the waters of real-life academia by helping with ornithological fieldwork from time to time, which provides a welcome break from the computer. Sally has been a member of PEG since late 2017, and in 2020 she qualified as an Accredited Text Editor (English) and joined the PEG Exco as secretary and the Accreditation Test examiner team in 2021.

John Linnegar has been a teacher and trainer, and a setter of more tests and examinations than he cares to remember, during a career spanning 40+ years. He has also acted as an external marker and moderator for examinations set by the Western Cape Department of Education and national examinations. With Cathy Robertson, he has been a co-examiner of PEG’s first four accreditation tests and also one of the markers.

About the workshop/webinar

The purpose of the webinar/workshop is to demonstrate how questions should be answered, what to do and what not to do, and to clarify how candidates can prepare themselves for the next accreditation test. The vehicles for achieving this purpose will be the academic editing question 2B (structural, stylistic and copy-editing) and general questions 4B and 4C in PEG’s 2022 test. It will be useful for those who intend participating to work through these questions beforehand, providing answers where possible, in order to derive maximum benefit from the test. Those who sat the 2022 test should bring their completed tests to the webinar to enable them to discover where they could have performed better.

Note: The test questions on fiction editing question 2C and the proofreading questions 3A and 3B will be covered in Part 3 on 16 May.


Affiliation Early-bird fee
(before or on 13 April)
Full fee
(from 14 to 22 April)
PEG members R295 R380
LAMP members* R495 R580
Non-affiliated members R695 R780

*LAMP members: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB), ProJourn, Southern African Freelancers’ Association (SAFREA), South African Science Journalists’ Association (SASJA) and the South African Translators’ Institute (SATI).

Please register by completing and emailing the registration form.

Deadline for registrations: 12:00 on 22 April.

Cancellation policy

If members are unable to attend this webinar after having registered and paid for it, a full refund is possible if cancellations are received by Sharon Rose by no later than 12 noon on 22 April. Once the final number of attendees has been confirmed on the eve of the webinar, no refunds are possible.

In addition, should you be prevented from participating in full or in part on the day of the webinar owing to Eskom loadshedding, you will be entitled to take either the same webinar or another on the 2024 webinar programme. When this occurs, the onus will be on you to inform the webinar coordinator of your disqualification on this ground and to specify which alternative webinar you would like to transfer your registration to.

Remember, though, that as a would-be or part-participant on the day, you will in any event receive the audio recording of the entire event plus PDFs of the PPT slides.

Use the early-bird special: save money and secure your spot at this webinar by registering early!

24 April, 2024 @ 10:00 - 13:00 Africa/Johannesburg at Online (Zoom) by PEG | Accreditation Second quarter Webinar Zoom

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