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Getting to grips with Paul Beverley’s macros for Word to increase your productivity: A new approach to using Paul’s macros

Join PEG for our webinar series, where you will have the opportunity to upgrade your knowledge and skills as editors and proofreaders in a variety of ways: linguistic, stylistic, business, digital, technical, professional and more. Are macros for Word unknown territory to you? Have you never created or used a macro to speed up correcting a document or reducing duplication of effort – for example, changing ‘inter alia’ to ‘inter alia’ or to ‘among other things’, or converting “double quotation marks” to ‘singles’ throughout a document?

During this webinar on 29 June, our aim will be to introduce newbies to Paul Beverley’s macros for MS Word.

Focus: This hands-on workshop will introduce you to macros, teaching you how they work and giving you practical experience in using some of the most popular macros among editors. It is expressly aimed at for those of you who have never used macros or who are near-novices.

Note to more experienced macro users: Paul Beverley, the mastermind behind these macros, has kindly offered to negotiate Zoom sessions with individual members who are more familiar or experienced with his macros: simply email him to set up an appointment and specify the content that you would like to cover or the problem you would like to resolve.

Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023

Time: 18:00–21:30

Place: Online (Zoom meeting)

Facilitator: Jennifer Yankopolus, with Paul Beverley

Limited number of participants: The number of participants will be capped at 25 in order to give everyone individual attention. Both PC and Mac users will be catered for. Should more than 25 members apply to attend, Jennifer has agreed to repeat this webinar later this year for those who cannot be accommodated.

CPD hours: Attendees will receive a certificate confirming their attendance and their having earned 3,5 hours’ worth of core CPD; those who opt to listen to the audio recording of the webinar instead, without actually attending, will earn 70 minutes’ worth of CPD time.

A pre-webinar questionnaire will be issued to registrants on confirmation of their registration, as will copies of Jennifer’s newsletter.

About our facilitator

Jennifer Yankopolus is an editor with more than 20 years of experience behind her. She specialises in architecture and design, working with designers, firms, non-profits, historians and authors.

Through Word Collaborative she offers a range of services, from developmental editing to copy-editing and from coaching authors to consulting with organisations. For more than 20 years, has served as the content editor for INNOVATION, the quarterly journal of the Industrial Design Society of America.

She is also an instructor in the University of California San Diego Copyediting Certificate programme and also teaches editors how to increase their speed and accuracy with macros through webinars, courses, and the Macro of the Month newsletter.

About the webinar

Macros are free editing tools that work inside of Word to help you be more productive and accurate. They are quick and easy to use once you know the basics about how to install them. This workshop – and macros themselves – requires no programming skills, just a desire to learn and to speed up your work. If you can copy and paste, you can use macros.

This workshop is intended for editors who have little to no experience using macros. It is designed to teach you the fundamental skills you need to incorporate macros into your daily editing.

In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to:

  • install and run macros
  • assign keyboard shortcuts
  • feel confident about the safety of using macros
  • use the most common macros among editors
  • discover additional macros for the type of editing you do
  • incorporate macros into your existing workflow and other editing tools you already use, such as PerfectIt.

Editors use macros to optimise a wide variety of functions, including:

  • analysing a document for global consistency issues, such as with proper nouns, hyphenation and spelling;
  • performing repetitive tasks more quickly and more accurately than we can manually, such as looking up terms online, changing numerals to text, and deleting and adding punctuation marks;
  • preventing editing errors, such as by changing a document’s background colour when you toggle track changes on and identifying sentences with missing end punctuation;
  • making Word work more efficiently, such as changing the language setting of a particular word or an entire document and controlling the formatting of pasted text.

The workshop is centred on Paul Beverley’s Word Macros Tools library. Paul is an editor himself and his macros are designed for the tasks editors perform.

This is an interactive workshop. You will be guided through the process of installing macros and assigning them shortcuts and then practising with them. Be prepared to be engaged. There will be plenty of time for questions and to help you if you get stuck.


Affiliation Early-bird registration fee
22 June latest)
Registration fee
(from 23 until 27 June latest)
PEG members R275 R350
LAMP members* R475 R550
Non-affiliated members R675 R750

*LAMP members: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB), ProJourn, Southern African Freelancers’ Association (SAFREA), South African Science Journalists’ Association (SASJA) and the South African Translators’ Institute (SATI).

Please register by completing and emailing the registration form to Sharon Rose.

Deadline for registrations: 12:00 on 27 June

Cancellation policy

If members are unable to attend this webinar after having registered and paid for it, a full refund is possible if cancellations are received by Sharon Rose by no later than 12:00 on 28 June. Once the final number of attendees has been confirmed on the eve of the webinar, no refunds are possible.

In addition, should you be prevented from participating in full or in part on the day of the webinar owing to Eskom loadshedding, you will be entitled to take either the same webinar or another on the 2023 webinar programme. When this occurs, the onus will be on you to inform the webinar coordinator of your disqualification on this ground and to specify which alternative webinar you would like to transfer your registration to.

Remember, though, that as a would-be or part-participant on the day, you will in any event receive the audio recording of the entire event plus PDFs of the PPT slides.

Use the early-bird special: save money and secure your spot at this webinar by registering early!

29 June, 2023 @ 18:00 - 21:30 Africa/Johannesburg at Online (Zoom) by PEG | Nitty gritty Second quarter Webinar Zoom

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