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Editing academic texts: referencing systems and styles

Academic Referencing Styles

Focus: We will explain how to ‘decode’ an unfamiliar referencing style and create a style sheet so that you can apply it consistently in your document. (Please note that the aim of this webinar is not to give a full overview of any particular referencing style, but rather to enable you to tackle any style!)

Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Time: 15:00 to 17:00

Place: Online (Zoom meeting)

Facilitators: Anne Denniston and Kevin Walker

CPD hours: Attendees will receive a certificate confirming their attendance and their having earned 2 hours’ worth of formal CPD hours. Those who opt to listen to the audio recording of the webinar instead, without actually attending, will earn formal CPD time equal to one-third of the webinar duration.

Pre-webinar materials: We will send you a copy of the APA-7 style sheet we will work from and ask you to consider how to adapt it for a Harvard style of your choice.

About our facilitators

Anne Denniston’s knowledge of academic referencing comes mainly from working for a company called Exactica from 2003 to 2006. The owner, Dr Erik Hofstee, ran workshops about how to write a thesis or dissertation. Anne then edited what the attendees wrote. She also edited and formatted Dr Hofstee’s book, Constructing a Good Dissertation, and compiled its appendix on the APA, CMS, Harvard and MLA referencing styles.

Kevin Walker has a decade’s experience of editing academic work – both examinable and for publication. Over this time, he has encountered many weird and wonderful publisher and institutional house styles and has therefore had to learn to apply these to clients’ work. He enjoys the rigour and precision of referencing and relishes the challenge of formatting a reference list and citations in line with the prescribed guidelines.

About the webinar

Say you have been sent a 50-page style guide for a referencing style you have never seen before. How do you extract the information in a usable format? You create a 3-page style sheet for it!

This webinar is an introduction to academic referencing for editors who want to know how to handle the different styles that academic reference lists come in. Kevin Walker will explain what basic knowledge is required to create a style sheet for a reference list and its matching in-text citations and explain possible variations in reference styles. Anne Denniston will introduce all the elements of a reference item: author, date, title, source, etc. Using a style sheet based on APA-7, we will explain how it would be adapted to create a new style sheet, such as the Harvard variation used in PEG documents. The same principles could be used to create a style sheet for any new referencing style you have to edit.


Affiliation Early-bird registration fee1 Registration fee2
PEG members R295 R380
LAMP members3 R495 R580
Non-affiliated members R695 R780

1Before or on 24 July

2Between 25 and 28 July

3LAMP members: Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB), ProJourn, Southern African Freelancers’ Association (SAFREA), South African Science Journalists’ Association (SASJA) and the South African Translators’ Institute (SATI).

Please register by completing and emailing the registration form.

Deadline for registrations: 12:00 on 28 July.


30 July, 2024 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Africa/Johannesburg at Online (Zoom) by PEG | Nitty gritty Third quarter Webinar Zoom

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