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Associate member
Accredited Text Editor (ATE)

BA Languages (University of the Witwatersrand [Wits])
Higher Diploma of Librarianship (Wits)
Accredited Text Editor, English (PEG)

Academic editing, Book editing, Communications, Copy-editing, Editing, Embedded indexing for Word, Fiction & non-fiction, Formatting, Fiction editing, LaTeX editing, Management, Overleaf, Plain language, Proofreading, Technical, Technical writing, Training
Annual reports, Blogs, Distance Learning materials, FET College, Fiction, Higher Education/Academic, Narrative non-fiction, Reports, Web text
Agriculture, Community development, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Finance, General, Humanities, ICT, Natural resource management, Social Sciences, Theology
LaTeX, Plain Language
Formatting with MS Word styles
Editing Formatting Excellence

I love to learn new things, to work in a team, and to leave things better than I found them - so I love my editing work because it gives me all these.

My desktop publishing training enables me to format documents before I edit them because I believe that a document's appearance is as important as its contents. A good first impression gets the document read. Good formatting gets it read with pleasure.

I started out editing agricultural reports; my next major work was on financial policies and procedures; then I edited theses and dissertations for three years; and I edited audit reports for 11 years.

My freelancing since March 2019 has brought me fascinating variety: autobiographies, self-improvement books, children's books, community manuals, indexing - and lots of academic work on all sorts of subjects.