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PEG National AGM 2022



Dear Members

You are cordially invited to attend PEG’s national AGM on Saturday 28 May 2022 via Zoom.

1. Time and venue/medium

This year’s AGM will be held on Zoom. Echelon Link will host the platform for PEG and a link will be forwarded to members beforehand. Registration will start at 09:30.

Date: Saturday 28 May 2022

Time: 10:00, with registration starting at 09:30

Members who intend attending the national AGM must send their confirmation to Ellyn Barry, to be received by her no later than 13:00 on Friday 20 May 2022.

2. Apologies and proxies

Members who are unable to attend the AGM via Zoom can send their apologies to Ellyn Barry and they can appoint anyone who will be attending the meeting as their proxy. Please complete the proxy form and send it to Ellyn Barry by 20 May 2022.

3. Adoption of the minutes of the previous year’s AGM

The minutes of the last AGM, held via Zoom on Saturday, 29 May 2021, will be adopted at this year’s meeting. Any corrections to the minutes should be forwarded to Sally Hofmeyr by Friday 20 May 2022.

4. Branch committees and regional activities 2022

In view of the fact that, since the onset of COVID-19, it has not been possible for the branches to hold in-person events, and with the national webinar programme providing for members’ CPD (continuing professional development) needs, elections for most branch committees will not be held, as was previously the norm, before the 2022 national AGM. However, PEG’s Western Cape branch is hosting its first post-COVID-19 AGM on 7 May 2022. We not only see this as the start of a return to in-person events across the country, but also hope that it will encourage members in outlying areas and members who prefer online participation to initiate regional activities online. Please consider offering your time to initiate such activities and help us establish in-person and/or online contact across more regions. A nomination form can be submitted if you would like to be involved in this capacity or if you would like to nominate another member.

5. Election of national office-bearers

Most of the Exco portfolios are filled. Some of the current Exco members were elected in 2021 to serve a three-year term and some are two or three years into their term, with the portfolio of Mentoring coordinator being a special re-election. The constitution stipulates that a member occupies one office for no more than two consecutive three-year terms. Below is a list of the Guild’s current office-bearers and positions requiring election and/or new status.

Chairperson: Alexis Grewan – No action required
Vice-chairperson: Vacant – Exco-proposed motion to follow
Treasurer: Ruth Coetzee – To be elected/re-elected
Secretary: Sally Hofmeyr – No action required
Accreditation coordinator: John Linnegar – To be elected/re-elected
Mentoring coordinator: Reinoud Boers- No action required
Marketing and communication coordinator: Anna Herrington – No action required
Publications coordinator: Alison Downie – To be elected/re-elected
Website coordinator: Alexis Grewan (acting) – To be elected
E-group coordinator: Kim Rasmussen – To be elected/re-elected
Branch chairpersons/regional representatives (ex officio):
Western Cape: Cathy Robertson – To be confirmed after 7 May
KwaZulu-Natal: vacant – To be elected
Gauteng: vacant – To be elected
Eastern Cape: Dawn Green – None
Other regions to be initiated ☺ – To be elected

6. Draft agenda

Please consider making yourself available to serve on the Executive Committee. Since COVID-19, Exco has been meeting about once a month via Zoom for no longer than 90 minutes. All other matters are handled by email or by phone. If you would like to get an idea of what these portfolios entail, please ask the national secretary, Sally Hofmeyr, to provide you with a copy of the standard operating procedures for an overview of the responsibilities attached to these portfolios. Please complete the nomination form – one per nominated office-bearer – and send it to Ellyn Barry to be received by her no later than 13:00 on Tuesday 17 May 2022.

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies, attendance register and quorum
  3. In memoriam
  4. Adoption of the minutes of the national AGM held via Zoom on 29 May 2021
  5. Matters arising from the minutes
  6. Annual report
    1. Tabling of the annual report for 2021/22 and the annual financial statements for 2021/22
    2. Adoption of the annual report for 2022
  7. Membership fees
  8. Motions
    1. AGM 2023 to be held a little later than required by PEG’s constitution
    2. Member benefits (email signatures and directory listing)
    3. Vice-chairperson role to be removed
    4. Amendments to the PEG constitution
  9. Amendments to the PEG constitution (following motion accepted above)
    1. Vice-chairperson
    2. Regional representatives
  10. Election of office-bearers for term starting 2022 (portfolios for re-election and election)
    1. Treasurer
    2. Accreditation coordinator
    3. Mentoring coordinator
    4. E-group coordinator
    5. Publications coordinator
    6. Website coordinator
    7. Branches and regions: Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and other
  11. Awards
    1. Volunteer of the Year
    2. Derrick Hurlin Mentor of the Year
    3. Norman Blight Chat-Group Contributor of the Year
  12. Other business
    1. PEG Accreditation Test
    2. PEG 30th Anniversary conference
  13. Closure

If you would like to add matters to the draft agenda, please send an email to the national secretary, Sally Hofmeyr, with your request. She must receive your email by no later than 13:00 on Tuesday 17 May 2022.

6. Financial statements 2021/22

The financial statements are being prepared and will be sent to members by Ruth Coetzee, our national treasurer, as soon as they are ready.


Alexis Grewan

PEG chairperson

28 May, 2022 @ 09:30 - 13:00 Africa/Johannesburg at Online (Zoom) by PEG

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