PEG members
Please use the format ‘WebinarDay.month.PEGmembernumber’ for the bank reference when paying for a webinar. For example: If PEG member Jo Smith registers for a webinar on 7 July, she should make an early bird payment of R295 or a sleepy bird payment of R380 into PEG’s account with the reference 4.7.SMI002.

Please use the format ‘WebinarDay.month.Surname for the bank reference when paying for a webinar. For example: If Bongani Sithole, a non-affiliated member, registers for a webinar on 7 July, he should make a payment of R695 into PEG’s account with the reference 4.7.SitholeB.

Please click here for payments from abroad.

PEG banking details

Here are the bank details for a direct internet payment:


Account name: Professional Editors’ Guild
Savings account no: 9045286642
Branch code: 632005
Bank's street address: ABSA Bank Limited, Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa
Reference: Your membership number and surname (If you do not have a membership number yet, please give your surname and initials)

Proof of payment: Please send your proof of payment and the completed registration form to Sharon Rose at