Bibliography or reference list – What is the difference?
A live bibliography – What is it and should editors make one?
Rates for projects – How do I calculate a quote?
Accurate, exact, precise – What is the difference?
PEG membership – How do I prove it to my clients?
Track Changes – How do I make them anonymous?
Sanction, one word with two opposite meanings – What is it called?
Country names and government publications – How do I reference them?
Redundancy and tautology – What is the difference?
Hide white space – How do I do it?
Hiding white space (the top and bottom margins of your pages, which contain headers and footers) allows you to scroll faster through the...
Table of Contents – How do I use outline levels?
Question: I'm editing a document with many headings and sub-headings, only some of which have been taken up in the automatically created...
DOIs and URLs – What is the difference?
A DOI is a digital object Identifier, which is a unique string of numbers, letters, and symbols that identifies a document or article and...
Referencing styles – What are they?
Referencing styles have usually been created by an organisation that specialises in a certain tyle of information, and the styles specify:...
Bibliography or reference list – What is the difference?
Reference list A reference list is a list of the books and other items referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix....
A live bibliography – What is it and should editors make one?
What is a live bibliography? A live bibliography or reference list has live hyperlinks (usually blue and underlined. If you click on it,...
Rates for projects – How do I calculate a quote?
The useful advice in this FAQ about the steps and considerations when calculating a quotation for a project was contributed by several...
Accurate, exact, precise – What is the difference?
Question Heléne van der Westhuizen asked: Are accurately, precisely and exactly interchangeable and are there context/nuance differences...
Finding information – How do I search the PEG website?
To find information on the current page, press Ctrl+f (Find) and enter the term you want in the popup textbox. To search the whole...
PEG membership – How do I prove it to my clients?
If you have been a member of the Professional Editors' Guild for less than a year, you can ask the PEG administrator for a letter to prove...
Lists of tables and figures – How do I exclude the label and number?
To omit the label and number from a List of Tables or Figures in Microsoft Word, go to References > Table of Figures. The Tables and...
Track Changes – How do I make them anonymous?
Sometimes you need to remove your name from Track Changes after you have already made corrections. Go to Review > Compare > Compare....
Graphs – How should they be used in scientific documents?
Graphs are commonly used in technical reports to show trends and relationships. They can convey a wealth of information in a compact and...
Sanction, one word with two opposite meanings – What is it called?
The word "sanction" has two seemingly opposite meanings, and it belongs to a category of English words called contronyms. A contronym is a...
Emojis/emoticons – How do I insert them?
You can insert an emoji into emails and computer text by pressing the Windows key + a period (dot/full stop) and then selecting it from...
Country names and government publications – How do I reference them?
First check your style guide and follow that if you can. If the country has changed its name, list its publications under their names as...
Redundancy and tautology – What is the difference?
I think the difference between redundancy and tautology is the following: Redundancy Redundancy is careless repetition, without any...
What is PEG’s financial year?
PEG's financial year runs from March to February. Published on:Â Aug 16, 2024 at 08:40 12 words
Fractions – How can I make them look consistent?
Use a Unicode fraction generator tool Mike Leisegang very kindly shared this discovery with the PEGforum group as follows. I was...
Kinds/types/sorts/varieties/etc – Plus singular or plural?
The correct usage is always: (this) kind of vehicle BUT (those) kinds of vehicles (this) type of plant BUT (those) types of plants (this)...
ChatGPT – How do I cite it?
An American Psychological Association blog has very useful advice about how to cite and keep records of ChatGPT advice. Posted Aug 11,...
PerfectIt – How do MAC users get the PEG discount?
Perfect 6 now accommodates Mac users better PerfectIt Cloud has significant improvements, including: Improved reliability when working...
PEG’s Directory of Services – How do I get an entry?
You can be listed in the Directory of Members’ Services on the Find an Editor page: if * you have been a member for at least the last...
Femininity vs femaleness
'Femininity' relates to characteristics that are socially constructed, things people have decided about what it means to be feminine, such...
JPG or PNG – When do I use them?
PNG is better for images like logos because you can have transparent areas on PNG images. They are also slightly better if you are going...
Language, UK or US – How to set it permanently
The following information originated in a PEGforum thread called Driven mad by Word, which started on Thursday 30 May 2024 at 10:51:09,...
Gerunds – Is it ‘his’ deciding’ or ‘him’ deciding?
Have you also had sleepless nights about sentences such as these? What do you think of his deciding to go? What do you think...
My Member Number – Where can I find it?
You can see your member number by clicking on User Details at the bottom of the Login page, (indicated by a red arrow in the illustration...
Past PEGblogs – How can I find them?
Go to our Sitemap to find all our blog posts conveniently listed and categorised in various ways. Posted 2024-05-17 Word count 20
Compare citations and reference list – How?
One of the services an editor offers is checking that all items in the reference list are cited in the text and that all citations in the...
Naming birds, animals and plants – What is correct?
This controversial information comes from a PEGforum thread, "naming conventions for flora and fauna - cape nature", that started on...
Job titles – Should they be capitalised?
When it comes to mechanical aspects of writing, few details seem to trip writers up as much as capitalization: when to use uppercase...
CPD – What’s the difference between CPD hours for regional and national events?
Regional events (whether in-person or online) are equally weighted with national ones. National and regional information-sharing or...
CPD – When is the Accreditation Test?
The Accreditation Test is always held in September and members who wish to take it are given a window period of eight or nine days in...
CPD – Must every PEG member take the Accreditation Test?
Short answer: No. It is not mandatory, although PEG’s Accreditation Scheme is something every member should aspire to passing: With PEG’s...
CPD – How many hours can I claim for webinar participation?
If you attend a webinar or listen to a recording of it, you earn the number of hours equivalent to the length of the webinar, eg if the...
CPD – Does PEG keep track of member CPD hours?
Our webinar administrator keeps a record of all members (including ATEs) for whom a certificate is issued. This helps members to calculate...
Substantive editing vs copy-editing – What is the difference?
Substantive editing focuses on the overall structure, content, and flow of a manuscript. When you engage an editor to perform substantive...
Editor-client communication – What should it include?
Much trouble can be avoided if we editors are mindful of adequate contracting with clients. This starts at the first ‘hello’ and ends with...
Surnames – Mr Le Roux or Mr le Roux
The use of capitals in surnames consisting of two or more parts is helpfully explained in the Stellenbosch University's US English Style...
Legal documents: Where can I find templates and advice?
The information below comes from a [PEGforum] Editing legal documents thread on Tue 2024/01/16 10:17. Thank you to the PEG member who...
Hyphens, en dashes, em dashes and minuses – When do you use which?
We learned a lot in a [PEGforum] Advice on en and em dash spacing thread that started on February 26, 2024 8:10 AM. This is a compilation...
Book publishing – What are the alternatives?
Books can be published in five main ways: Traditional publishing: They pay authors an advance. Small presses. They pay no advance and...
I am new to editing – What should I know?
Welcome to the Professional Editors' Guild (PEG)! To learn all you need to know about editing, work your way through all the pages in the...
Latin abbreviations – Should I use italics?
The useful information below comes from a [PEGforum] et al. thread started on 2023-07-27, and a [PEGforum] Use of italics for Latin...
Findings and results: What is the difference?
The term ‘findings’ should be used for qualitative studies and ‘results’ should be used for quantitative studies. For a less dogmatic...
Spelling – Health care, health-care or healthcare?
PEG member, Corné Janse van Rensburg and the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors prefer one word. The online Oxford Dictionary...
My PEG password – How do I change it?
Have you forgotten your password? We can't tell you what your old one was but we can let you create a new one. Send an email to...
Colons – Capital or lower case afterwards?
We use an initial lower case only in two instances after a colon: to separate two parts of a sentence (and there are exceptions) and to...
Abbreviations – What should I know about them?
An abbreviation is a short form used to save space in text and make it more readable. There are three other short forms: acronyms,...